Wednesday, April 18, 2007

DAY 1: State Lines ( a work in progress)

2 hours before I leave for work
12 hours before you leave the continental United States,
I am in a state of denial.

I ignore the fact that like all the
other women that I have been interested in
you are leaving the state.

It has reached such a level of predictable absurdity
that dating me should come
with baggage
but I mean real baggage
like suitcases and steamer trunks,
cardboard boxes for the stuff you will inevitabley
pack up and take with you.

But somewhere in the silence
of this morning
I have found the boarding pass
for letting go.


kickapuppy said...

nice! The subtlety is gorgeous!

Might I suggest (I'll assume, yes) that you could remove "but I mean real baggage" and "for the stuff."

hulksmash said...

Hey Wilson, it's Brad from B-1 Creative Writting Class again. I just read your poem "State Lines (a work in progress)" is amazing! I loved how you started out in a stage of denial of yourself, and feelings, but ended up realizing how to obtain closure.

P.S. COme check me out on my blog. Cya in class.